Saturday, August 23, 2008

What Was Obama Thinking?

Joe Biden. OMG, is this man loaded with experience. Or is it time spent in a seat? And what has he made of that time spent in a seat? It's good to know that the potential Vice President will respect his commander for being a black man who is "articulate and clean." Theirs looks to be a great relationship to have behind the scenes. Even if we ratchet up the forgiveness dial to its benefit-of-the-doubtmost level, we still see Biden's effort to damn Obama with feint praise, to tag him as an empty suit. But you still have to be perplexed about that choice of words. Articulate, maybe he means well. Why is he surprised that Barack Obama is clean?

Joseph Robinette Biden, Jr, king of inexplicable racial overtone comments, is the same man who declared, "you cannot go to a 7-Eleven or a Dunkin' Donuts unless you have a slight Indian accent." He is the same man who wants to segregate Iraq along ethnic or religious lines. Why would Obama choose a narrow-minded bigot that led the race card fight against him in the nominating process? Does he think he will pick up the racist vote? I don't think it works that way.

Also shocking, in the wake of being unfairly accused of plagiarism, the Democratic hopeful takes on a man proved guilty of plagiarism, filching a speech from the British Labor Party no less. Bringing him in must be one of those questionable fight-fire-with-fire maneuvers.

How in the world could this new style pol end up with an embittered, fractious plagiarist for a running mate? Remember the old campaign: Choose to Defuse? What might that mean to Obama, and his choice of VP? If you can't stand Clinton, and must shield yourself, choose a Clintonista. Surely Hillary will hesitate to attack a nominal Biden ticket?

You know the other popular refrain—that choosing a Veep was Obama's choice and his choice alone? I don't think so. The coming days may tell us if the Clintons now think of Biden as friend or traitor.